Au Pair FAQ

Au Pair

General questions


How does Local Au Pair Link differ from a standard au pair agency?


Local Au Pair Link is a free website for au pairs, giving you instant access to details for currently available au pair jobs.



How much can I expect to earn as an au pair?


Your salary is determined by agreement between you and the family. Your salary will depend on your experience and qualifications, how many hours per week you are required, how flexible you are required to be with your times, whether you are required to do any driving, etc.

Creating a free profile


Do I have to pay anything to use Local Au Pair Link?


No, the use of this website is 100% free for au pairs.



Will I be able to update my details at any stage after registering?


Yes, you can update your details at any time when signed-in to your profile.

Security issues


Are my e-mail address and contact details secure on the website?


Local Au Pair Link’s Terms of Service emphasis privacy and security, and your contact details will NEVER be shared with any third party other than registered families.

Have more questions?

Please e-mail us at for prompt assistance with any further questions you may have.